Pixelart items are organized into collections, that hold the items in an inventory like panel, a familiar concept in video games. Collections enable to navigate through items in 2 different ways – grid and list view:
- The grid view is the inventory like view and upon clicking on an item, depending on the screen resolution you will either have a new section appearing on the screen to showcase the item details, or a popup info box with the details. Clicking the image will navigate you away from collection to the dedicated page for this item.
- The list view showing both the image and the details. Clicking the image or title would navigate you away from collection to the dedicated page for this item.
Both collections and items have their own visibility and access settings. And there are two main options: “Public” and “Private”.
- The “Public” option shows the collection to everyone and it is also available in the search.
- The “Private” option has the main function of hiding the item from everyone except you, the creator.
A combination of visibility and access statues is possible. A collection can be “Public”, and some of its items can be set to “Private” mode. While you can still view the items, visitors will not be able to see them.
Pixel Size
The range of pixel size for PixelArt is supported from 1×1 to 10×10. After uploading it is possible to set the default scale size, which will be used to showcase the art across the platform. All uploaded PixelArt.
PixelArt Dimensions
Up to 5 inventory tiles supported per item, either for width or height, or both. The item can be larger overall relatively to items in the entire collection. In this case the item takes up larger space in the inventory. Takes up more tiles.
Example: most items in the collection are with 1:1 proportions, e.g. the 16×16 pixels, and a few items are twice their size 32x32px. These items will take 4 tiles and items with 16x16px would take 1 tile.
If the item’s proportion is of 1:3 vertical or horizontal, then the item respectively takes 3 tiles, either vertically or horizontally.
When items are uploaded to re:buff, colors exctracted and organized in the order of colors’ properties.
Uploading Spritesheet vs Multiple smaller images
There is no difference in the way the items are uploaded, both methods are supported and will create a nice set of items the visitor can explore and interact with.
Image requirements and limits
- Maximum image size: 700kb
- Format: .png
- Single item maximum dimensions: 128x128px
- Maximum pixel size: 10x10px (PixelArt)
Cover images and Previews
Loading items from a spritesheet will automatically use the spritesheet as a cover image, which you can keep or choose to upload a different cover image. The cover image can be a manipulated to fit the preferred style: position, rotation, zoom, and also a focus blur effect can be added, leaving a sharp area inside and blurring out everything on the edges. The strength of the focus blur effect can be adjusted.
Both a menu available to manipulate the cover image is available and some shortcuts also can be used to
- move (click, hold and drag left mouse button)
- rotate (click, hold and drag the right mouse button)
- zoom (click and hold left and right mouse buttons)